Phil Boyle is the principal director of Total Mortgage and Lending Solutions (TMLS), and previous to that, he was a director of his merged mortgage broking business of over 25 years, and also a leading financial planning and mortgage broking company.


Phil has more than 40 years of experience in the finance industry, including senior positions with a major bank and finance company, primarily in the commercial, corporate and small business areas. Phil has the experience and expertise for all facets of lending and has been a key executive, responsible for the management and operations of his broker firms, adopting a committed approach to the business, ensuring all clients are provided with expert service and lending advice, which is embraced by all TMLS staff.


Make an appointment to meet with us today


Getting the right mortgage, business and equipment finance and commercial lending advice with TMLS, starts with a discovery meeting and an obligation-free appointment at Total Mortgage and Lending Solutions cost.


At this initial meeting, TMLS will gather more information from you on what it is you or your business wish to do. From there, information and data will be assessed as to the most suitable finance package, and provided back to yourself. Upon acceptance, the relevant finance application is submitted, and progressed from then on.


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Total Mortgage &

Lending Solutions

03 9088 6434

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